Just what I read..

Inspired by Nancy Pearl's "Book Lust Journal." I knew I would lose my book journal if I didn't keep it online.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer

I grew up on Dr. Wayne Dyer’s How to be a No Limit Person and Gifts from Eykis. But as I listened and read growing up I often wondered, where is compassion and courtesy for other people in this concept? It’s good to see that Dr. Dyer has found those two things. It’s wonderful for him to catch up and find that being in tune with one’s divine nature allows us to do more. Go with God has even more meaning when one realizes that with God you can have any righteous thing that you desire. It’s pretty easy to tune into the intention of the Universe when you open your heart to God and look for the work that He has for you. Working for the power of the universe has great reward, not all of them spiritual. After all, God has said that all things (including the temporal) are spiritual and men are that they might have joy. Just remember that pleasure and joy are not necessarily the same thing. Pleasure on occasion can prohibit reaching joy. I may go check out more of what Dr. Dyer has done lately.


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