Just what I read..

Inspired by Nancy Pearl's "Book Lust Journal." I knew I would lose my book journal if I didn't keep it online.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

An open letter to Patricia McKillip

I love your work; the texture of your writing is delicious. I’ve been feasting on Harrowing the Dragon and “Lady of the Skulls” keeps haunting me. I keep wondering what happens when a prince returns home with a barmaid formerly known as Lady of the Skulls. She’s not exactly the daughter in law any queen would desire. Now that the coffers are full, would the prince love her or was she just a means to an end? If he’s a younger son, the parents may not disapprove but how will the rest of the court look upon her? How does a barmaid with morals fit into the palace? His friends that are still in the keep, did they survive? How do they feel about a plain woman being the treasure? Do they really believe that she is the treasure and not something that she carried with her? Does she understand that she is a treasure despite the plain face and lowborn past? Do both of them have the strength of character to put up with the whispers from the corners of the court? Is there space and light for flowers in her new home? Will she have time for them? I would love to hear more of her story.


Blogger Martin LaBar said...

Thanks for posting. I'm looking forward to reading this book.

11:32 AM  

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