Just what I read..

Inspired by Nancy Pearl's "Book Lust Journal." I knew I would lose my book journal if I didn't keep it online.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Into the Storm

Suzanne Brockmann is making the jump from romance to thriller. This book does it well with one exception. I can’t imagine any LAPD officer male or female carrying anything smaller than a .38 into a firefight. There is no way that a .22 is going to stop a dedicated assailant. People have been shot point blank in the head with .22’s and not even needed hospitalization. Any police officer and for that case, anyone working with a SEAL is not going to carry anything smaller than a .38. In most cases, even the most feminine officer is going to be able to handle the kick of a .45. For heavens’ sake, five foot nothing me has no trouble with a 9mm and I can’t imagine trying to stop someone with anything in a small caliber. Other than that, it was a great jump to thriller from romance.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Solstice Wood by Patricia McKillip

Yes, I managed to read something this week besides textbooks or a quick romance in the tub.

I love the twists and turns of Patricia McKillip’s books. I love getting lost in the language and the words just as I would in a Ray Bradbury novel. What if you were the thing that your grandparents hated? Would you live at home? What if you inherited the family house? What if that house was the doorway to another realm? What if you had a parent who lived on the other side? What if Grandma who kept the door shut, didn’t know it was your parent trying to cross?

McKillip weaves another wondrous tale where the faerie realm and our world merge and proves again while she’s one of my favorite authors.